Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 1- Social Media.

            I intend to start an online business, selling sweets, from candies to cakes to baked goods. Many girls would crave for sweets when they are in an unhappy mood or even when they are happy. This online business can target women, birthday parties, and any other special occasions. The advantage of starting it online is that internet users can easily get access to the website and see the samples of my products just by viewing the website. 
           Since it is going to be an online business, we cannot easily attract people on the streets. Therefore, I have to use social media to advertisement and let netizens know more about my business. It is made possible with Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and etc. There are many users on Facebook and Twitter, making it simply easier to advertise. I believe that my online sweets shop would be a success if I am able to get the words out there about it on Facebook, Twitter, and Yelp.
           Many companies are advertising on Facebook. If they do not wish to pay for advertisement, they can start a fan page for Facebook users to like. The advantage of this is that users, whom choose to like my fan page, can know about what deals I'm offering. Deals and coupons usually attract customers to buy. Friends of the people who like my page can see it on their newsfeed also, which is a plus. On Twitter, users with similar interests can share about my sweets and discuss. The most reliable comments usually are from peers, for example, many would check the ratings of a restaurant on Yelp to see the comments. If my sweets shop has good ratings on Yelp, I will most likely get a good amount of customers.


  1. i think this is a great idea and has so much potential. the internet is a great tool and can be used for everything. Advertising is key since it is all on the web. best of luck with your project.

  2. This is certainly an interesting idea, and I think it could be a success. A question I have is why target it toward women? I like to think of myself as a pretty manly human being, but I also love the sweets. Maybe you could consider a way to also target it at men. I don't know if this would change your vision, but from the way I'm looking at it, it could only increase success.

  3. Im really feeling the vibe with this idea. However you should make it geared toward male audiences as well. You would definitely be able to make more money that way.

  4. I like your idea that you are using Facebook and Twitter to advertise. It is a wise choice because you dont pay even a dime for advertisement at all. The social meida is powerful, and people's life is changing on a degree which a good world to a better world.
